The trip to India highlighted to me the importance of support, kindness and positivity in communication with others. The group was very diverse but embodied all these qualities and I felt very safe and learnt a lot from everyone. Thank you Amanda and Mavis for creating such a great container for us to get to know each other and share that magical journey that is India."
Jen - School teacher
India has a way of changing you doesn't it? Slowly seeping into your DNA!! Since coming home I have made changes to my teaching role.... letting go of what no longer serves me. I am opening the door to allow other blessings to enter. Thank you for creating the space for this to happen.
Dana - Yoga Instructor
The Yoga classes were terrific, the food was great and the whole flow of the weekend was really wonderful I even got over my fear of standing up and talking in front of people
Lynne - Business owner
What a great way to meet other like minded women, learn really do-able divine Yoga poses, have time for creative expression with collages and painting Mandalas and Yantras. Delicious, fresh interesting food and the deepest relaxation I have felt for years....thank you Amanda
Dorita - Domestic Goddess Granny
This weekend in Chinchilla has opened my mind and body to Bliss...thank you so much Amanda.
Julie - Community Nurse
This was the most satisfying, relaxing and invigorating weekend I have ever spent. Loved the Yoga thank you.
Dominique - Manager
Thank God I met you! i loved your honesty and your guidance..thank you.
Yosi - Business owner
Your graciousness, calm and feminine understanding are transferable. I will be forever grateful.
Sylvia - Guest House Owner